The benefits of taking notice of the changes in your honey throughout the seasons is immense. The variations in flavour and colour tell the story of the journeys your bees have made, but also reflect the natural environment around you. Australia is a land of extremes filled with many challenges our beekeepers adapt to, including fire and flood.
Backyard beekeepers can also see and taste variations in their harvest throughout the seasons. Comparing honey samples from the same hive annually can uncover subtle changes in your local flora.
It was my curiosity of the intricacies and diversity of honey flavours and colour that led me to create Honey Merchant back in 2018. After training with the American Honey Tasting Society, whose focus was Italian honeys, I’ve brought my skills home and am applying it to our unique and complex Australian varieties that reflect our incredible environment.
Honey tasting tells the story of your bees’ journey within their unique, local environment.
That’s why it’s important to take notice of the intricate changes in flavour and colour throughout each season.
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